Daisy is finally a mama! She gave birth to 2 girls and 3 boys on Aug. 11th. Romeo is the proud father:) These AKC registered Golden Retriever puppies will be ready for new homes October 6th! They are $400 for full registration. They've been wormed every 2 weeks, checked by a veterinarian for soundness of health, and will go to their new home with their first set of shots. They will all be lightly golden in color. Mama is OFA certified for her hips. Dad's parents are OFA certified for hips(and Romeo is going through his preliminaries- it will be official when he turns 2). These dogs are excellent with children and very friendly with all people (not a good guard dog). In fact, Romeo's sole ambition in life is to make every living thing his friend! I'll keep adding pictures as these babies grow, so keep checking back!
I am alive!
1 year ago