Monday, June 30, 2008

9 Months

Jack turned 9 months last week! We had a little photo shoot this morning to document this milestone. Between us, my assistant (Natalie with her Little Tykes camera)and I, we got some pretty good shots. Jack also had his 9 month check up today. He is now 29 inches and 21 pounds! We got him home just in time for a lunch of watermelon and yogurt before his nap. He has always been my better napper... nurses a bit and is out for a good 2+ hours... but NOT today! He slept for about 15 minutes and that was it! I suppose he is showing me that he is not a baby anymore? at 9 months? doesn't need a nap? HA! HA!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Strawberry Patch

What a beautiful day for strawberry picking! It was about 65 degrees and sunny with a light breeze... we made some very special memories! My friend, Raelynn, found this place,
Spencer's Orchard. They welcome and love kids, knowing they will have fond memories of their strawberry picking days and bring their own kids one day. Natalie came home with a red face, red hands, and a red shirt- evidence or more eating than helping. Maybe that's why it was taking so long to fill a flat:) Aunt Jackie even rubbed some strawberry juice on Jack's face for effect. I can only imagine what they will look like after going back in July to pick BLUEberries!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A real trooper

Our Natalie is one tough little kid. She broke her radius and her ulna (both arm bones) a week ago today. Friday night she tripped on the edge of the slide and landed on her arm funny. Natalie didn't cry excessively when it happened... just wanted to be held. She went all weekend with only a splint to immobilize it but never let the pain slow her down any. (Although, I think it hurt at night because she kept waking up.) Her dad left for a business trip on Sunday (which always bums her out), and Aunt Jackie (who has been staying with us while our parents are in Germany) left for basketball camp on Friday. Natalie's tough facade finally crumbled on Friday morning when we dropped Jackie off. Friday was a hard day for us... you know the kind when they weep over anything and everything that happens. Needless to say, Dad came home Friday night and that made everything better again. If you could see her face to face, she would hold up her arm and say, "I have a purple cast on my big, big ouee!"

Friday, June 13, 2008


I've always been curious about starting a blog but figured I probably wouldn't stick with it. Well... I've decided it will just require some dedication, so I've decided to dedicate 15 minutes a week to this for family and friends that are so far away. Natalie broke her arm on Friday, and I realized it takes a lot of time to relay such a story. By the time we phoned and emailed Don and Loretta (Rob's parents), Julie (Rob's sister), and my parents (who live only 20 miles from here, but are currently traveling in Germany), I know I easily could have blogged the story in about a third the time so... I am not saying I won't email or talk on the phone anymore, but... I do know this could help people feel more connected and involved in our lives. Hopefully, I won't have a broken bone to blog about every week! But the small, everyday moments are so easy to miss out on when you aren't right there, so I would like to dedicate this blog to Nana and Papa. I purpose to do better!