Friday, June 13, 2008


I've always been curious about starting a blog but figured I probably wouldn't stick with it. Well... I've decided it will just require some dedication, so I've decided to dedicate 15 minutes a week to this for family and friends that are so far away. Natalie broke her arm on Friday, and I realized it takes a lot of time to relay such a story. By the time we phoned and emailed Don and Loretta (Rob's parents), Julie (Rob's sister), and my parents (who live only 20 miles from here, but are currently traveling in Germany), I know I easily could have blogged the story in about a third the time so... I am not saying I won't email or talk on the phone anymore, but... I do know this could help people feel more connected and involved in our lives. Hopefully, I won't have a broken bone to blog about every week! But the small, everyday moments are so easy to miss out on when you aren't right there, so I would like to dedicate this blog to Nana and Papa. I purpose to do better!

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